We are convinced that the recipe for product excellence has three main ingredients: knowledge handed down generations, healthy and high-quality products, and cutting-edge technology.
For this reason, since the 1960s, we have skilfully combined tradition and innovation with the aim of offering you increasingly good and naturally genuine products.
It is by virtue of this mission that today we have chosen to invest in an important renovation of our factory. In fact, the assembly and installation works of the new, latest generation Polin ovens have just been completed, allowing us, from now on, to offer you the maximum quality with as much as 40% less consumption.
In addition, both the store and the bakery have been completely repainted with a special biodynamic water-based paint.
This is an important investment for the company, which we could not have made without the loyalty of our customers and partners.
Terefore, we would like to thank Polin for the supply of all the machinery, the professional teams of Moretti D&S and New Fast Service for its assembly, and all the wholesalers with whom we have been working for years.
We are waiting for you at the Lecco site to proudly share with you our new set-up, and, as always, plenty of organic, genuine goodness.
New I Genuini ovens